CNC machine cabinet and enclosure


Cabinet for CNC machine. Upgrade your CNC machine with our high-quality cabinet that provides secure storage and easy access. Get the most out of your equipment today!


CNC machine cabinet and enclosure

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CNC machine cabinet and enclosure

Upgrade your CNC machine with our high-quality that provides secure storage and easy access. In summary, get the most out of your equipment today!

Are you looking for a way to stop loud noises from coming out of your workshop. Also we have a selection of many different types of enclosures for machines and equipment. We can make just about any size enclosure for your machine in order to keep the dust away and the sound down too a reasonable level.

Depending on the type of enclosure that you have the sound can go down to about 95 decibels. Above all, if you’d like to see some of our enclosures give us a call or come into our workshop to see some enclosures for real

Customizable CNC machine cabinet and enclosure

In conclusion, these enclosures are built with aluminium profile and are guaranteed for three years from wear and tear they can be adapted to use a vacuum system or compressed air. Also, we can also improve the lighting or give a special effect for your machine.




CNC machine cabinet and enclosure


CNC machine cabinet and enclosure

Options for the enclosure cnc

  • Lighting
  • vacuum or pneumatic attachments
  • irregular sizes



Additional information

Weight 85 kg
Dimensions 1500 × 1000 × 2000 mm


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